Facebook AdS Generator

Generate Facebook Ads headlines and descriptions, instantly

Craft powerful and compelling ads that speaks to your target market.

Facebook Ads Generator

Add details below to generate a Facebook ad with AI.

Generate Facebook ad



Trusted by 500,000+ ecommerce brands and marketers globally

How to use our Facebook Ad generator

When it comes to writing Facebook ad copy, you want to make sure that you're using language that resonates with your audience. But crafting effective ad copy can be difficult, especially if you're not sure where to start.


Just enter a few pieces of information, and the generator will do the rest.

Check box
Describe your product/service and any keywords and unique selling points you’d like to focus on.
Check box
Tell our AI about any unique selling features— this helps the tool create ad copy that's relevant to your audience.
Check box
Once you're ready, hit the Generate button to start the magic.

Headline and description

AI-Generated Copywriter for Your Facebook Ads
Stop writing manually and start using AI to do the heavy lifting for you.


Step 2: Choose from a variety of different versions of your ad

Each version will be tailored to appeal to a specific segment of your audience.

Check box
Our AI will try to match your keyword as closely as possible to the ads that appear in response to that search.
Check box
Choose the version that most closely aligns with your goals and your brand, or edit it further to tweak it to your liking.

Step 3: Maximize your ad spend and refresh your copy often

If your ads are not fresh and relevant, they may not generate the results you're looking for.

Check box
Generate multiple times—a great way to come up with new and innovative ideas for your next Facebook ad campaign
Check box
This ensures that your ads are more likely to generate results, and that you're not wasting your time and money on ads that no one will see.

Stop struggling with launching campaigns

Google Ads are a necessary part of any online marketing campaign. But writing effective ads can be tough—take the guesswork out of Google Ads copywriting with a preview tool and an ad copy template. Plus, our tool offers tons of ideas and variations for all your campaigns, so you can get the most out of your Google Ads budget.


Easier than ever to create great ads

Your ads will be more relevant and specific to your target audience. This means that they are more likely to click on them, and that you're not wasting your time and money on ads that no one will see.


Kickstart campaigns and experiment faster

Be more efficient with your advertising. By automatically creating relevant ad copy, you can save time and energy that would otherwise be spent crafting individual ads yourself.


More relevant ads = better results

Achieve a higher ROI for your advertising campaigns. By targeting the right audience with relevant ads, you can see a significant increase in your conversion rates and ROI.

Discover a better way to write

We're just scratching the surface on what you need to write five-star content for your Product Detail Pages (PDPs).

Style Icon

Your brand's voice

Need active voice versus passive voice? Titles and bullets? Or avoid competitors' keywords? We get our models to learn your needs and your voice.

Bulk Icon

Generate in bulk

Generate all your product descriptions at once. Grab a cup of coffee while our product description generator does the heavy lifting for you.

PIM Icon

Syncs to your PIM

All your product information synced with a touch of the button. Keep your product details aligned with a single source of truth.

Edit Icon

Edit freely

A built in editor right at your fingertips. We're also compatible with all your grammar checking browser extensions and tools.

Language Icon

Multiple languages

Speak the languages that your customers do and expand your market footprint. We support over 25 languages and counting.

AI Learns Icon

AI that learns

The more you use Hypotenuse AI, the more it learns your preferences, the better it gets. It's the intelligent assistant you always wanted.

Speed up your Facebook Ad campaigns

Generate Facebook ad copy variants easily, get a preview of how your ads will look and create campaigns in minutes.


What are some examples of good Facebook ad copy?
What is a Facebook Ads generator?
What are the Facebook ad specs?
How does Facebook Ads generator work?
How should I create Facebook ads?
How long should my Facebook ad copy be?
What is a Facebook custom audience?
Are Facebook ads and Google ads the same?
Is Hypotenuse AI's Facebook ad generator free?
How much does the Facebook Ads generator cost?

Craft killer Facebook Ad Copy THAT CONVERTS

What is Facebook Ad copy?

Facebook ad copy refers to the text, images, and content used in your Facebook ads to capture attention and drive clicks.

Why Facebook Ad copy Is Important?

Why is your Facebook ad copy so important? Because it's the first thing people see and determines whether or not they engage with your ad. Strong, compelling copy paired with an eye-catching image or video is key to getting clicks and conversions. Facebook ad copy is important for your business because well-written ad copy that targets your audience and clearly communicates your offer can boost click-through rates, leads, and sales.

Know the goal of your ad

Before you start writing your Facebook ad copy, you need to know what your goal is. What do you want people to do when they see your ad?

Do you want them to click on the ad and go to your website? Do you want them to download a white paper or sign up for your email list? Do you want them to call you?

Once you know what you want people to do, you can start writing your ad copy.

Keep your ad copy and creative simple

When it comes to Facebook ads, keep it simple. The best ads are short, sweet, and to the point.

Your potential customers are busy people, and they don't have time to read a long-winded rant about how great your products are. They want to know the basics: what you're selling, what it costs, and how they can buy it.

That's why your ad copy should be clear and concise. Start with a headline that grabs attention, and then use a few punchy sentences to explain what you're selling and why people should buy it.

Make sure your call to action is clear and easy to understand, and you're good to go!

Write like a person

When you're writing your Facebook ad copy, it's important to remember that you're writing to a person, not a faceless entity. So write like you would talk to your best friend.

Be casual and friendly. Use words that are friendly and familiar. And most importantly, be yourself. When you write in a genuine voice, it comes through in your ad copy and people will respond to it.

Use power words in your copy

When it comes to Facebook ad copy, it's important to use power words.

What are power words? They're words that have a powerful emotional impact and make your reader feel something. When you use power words in your ad copy, you can create a sense of urgency and encourage your readers to take action.

Some of my favourite power words include: free, new, now, discovery, save, and urgent. Try using a few of these words in your next ad, and see how it affects your results.

A/B test your copy

When you're creating your Facebook ad copy, it's important to A/B test your work. This means testing two different versions of your ad against each other to see which one performs better.

It's the only way to really know what works and what doesn't. You might think you have a great headline, but it could be performing worse than a version with a weaker headline. The only way to know is to test them head-to-head.

There are a few different tools you can use for A/B testing, but my favourite is Google Ads. It's easy to use and provides great results. So give it a try and see how your ads perform!

Mirror your target audience's language

When writing Facebook ad copy, it's important to use the specific language and terms that your audience is familiar with. For example, if you're targeting people who are interested in fitness, you should use terms like "workout" and "fitness" in your ad copy.

You should also use the same tone and voice that your audience is accustomed to. If your target audience is young and hip, use a casual, informal tone in your ad copy. If your target audience is more conservative, use a more formal tone.

Benefits of Using Facebook Ad Copy Generator

Using a Facebook ad copy generator has some great benefits that can save you time and improve your results.

Save Time

Creating eye-catching ad copy can be time-consuming. Facebook ad generators can generate hundreds of ad copy options in seconds based on your targeting information and ad objectives. You’ll have a large selection of options to choose from so you can find one that resonates with your audience, without having to manually draft each one.

Optimize for Your Goals

Facebook ad copy generators are designed to produce options optimized for different ad objectives like brand awareness, lead generation, or sales. The copy they produce is tailored to speak directly to your target audience and prompt the action you want, whether that’s a click, comment, or purchase.

A/B Test Easily

With a large selection of ad copy options to choose from, Facebook ad generators make A/B testing your ads a breeze. You can quickly create multiple ads using different copies to determine which option resonates most with your audience. Then focus your budget on the winning ad to maximize your results. A/B testing different elements of your ads, including copy, images, and CTAs, is the best way to optimize your Facebook advertising.


Well-optimized ad copy means higher click-through and conversion rates which translates to lower costs for reaching your advertising goals. The copy produced by Facebook ad generators is designed specifically to capture attention and motivate your audience to take action. By using data-driven copy focused on your campaign objectives, you’ll end up with ads that perform better and cost less.

Ready to use your new AI Facebook ads generator?

Let our AI copywriter write your copy for you in minutes.