Generate stunning images based on description with AI
We often struggle to find the right image — some aren’t free to use, others aren’t captivating enough and most are either irrelevant or inappropriate.
Using the Hypotenuse AI image generator saves you the time spent creating your own graphics, designing your own pictures, or browsing online in search of that perfect image. It's one of the best AI image generators that can generate images from text, based on your descriptions, giving you high-quality, unique visuals.
If you're interested to see what types of images our AI can create, here are a couple of examples our AI image generator has produced.

Step 1: Log in to Hypotenuse AI and enter our HypoArt AI image generator.
Step 2: Enter your image prompt description in the field and adjust the style you prefer.
Step 3: Hit generate, and HypoArt will deliver stunning images from your text prompt.
Step 4: Download your AI-generated images in your preferred format.
Key features of the AI image generator tool
Benefits of Hypotenuse AI's image generator
Use cases of our AI image generator tool - who is it for?
A good picture is worth a thousand words. AI-generated images can turn a thousand words into a million. Whether you're using an SEO content writing tool, building a webpage, running an ad campaign, or crafting compelling product descriptions with AI writing for ecommerce, build up an instant library of creatives and resources with our AI image generator.
如何使用 AI 图像生成器

Frequently Asked Questions About The AI Image Generator
What is an AI image generator?
What is Hypotenuse AI's Image Generator?
Hypotenuse AI's Image Generator is an AI-powered tool that allows you to create stunning visuals from text descriptions. Simply describe what you want to see, and our AI will generate an image that matches your imagination. It's a powerful tool for marketers, designers, entrepreneurs, and anyone who needs high-quality images quickly and easily.
What types of images can I create?
You can create a wide variety of images with Hypotenuse AI, including photorealistic photos, illustrations, art, graphics, and more. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination!
Are the generated images unique?
Yes, the images generated by Hypotenuse AI are unique and original. Our AI models are trained on a massive dataset of images and text, allowing them to create novel visuals that haven't been seen before.
尽管如此,它在生成人脸方面并不出色。我们正在努力解决这个问题。事实证明,人类对人脸的差异更为敏感,而人工智能要理解这一点则更具挑战性。在尝试生成人脸时,请尝试使用 "现实比例 "作为修改器。
除此之外,还可以尝试你能想象到的任何类型或风格的图片。您可以使用的风格包括"赛博朋克"、"像素艺术"、"写实"、"高清"、"卡通"、"抽象 "等等。
Does the tool support different artistic styles?
Yes, Hypotenuse AI supports diverse artistic styles, from photorealistic to abstract. You can choose the style that best suits your needs and preferences.
就像我们的人工智能作家一样,每次生成都是从零开始。每次按下 "生成 "按钮,它都不会从任何地方复制或提取图像,而是考虑它所知道的概念,每次都会生成新的图像。
虽然任何服务都不能保证独一无二,但您的提示越详细,您的结果就越有可能是独一无二的。如果你担心有人抄袭你的设计,大可不必!总有可能有人会使用类似的提示,但请把 Hypotenuse 当作是头脑风暴和自动处理繁琐任务的帮手,以保持创造力。
Is there a limit to the number of images I can generate?
The number of images you can generate with Hypotenuse AI depends on your subscription plan. Some plans may limit the number of images you can create per month or billing cycle.
完全不需要!创建图像需要 30 秒到 2 分钟。
Can I specify the dimensions or aspect ratio of the generated image?
Yes, you can specify the dimensions and aspect ratio of the generated image. This allows you to create visuals that are perfectly sized for your specific needs.
How does Hypotenuse AI ensure the ethical use of its Image Generator?
Hypotenuse AI is committed to the ethical use of its AI image generator. We have implemented safeguards to prevent the generation of harmful or offensive content. Our team also continuously monitors the output of our AI models to ensure they are being used responsibly.
What are the subscription plans and pricing?
We offer a variety of subscription plans to fit the needs of different users. You can contact us to learn more about our plans and pricing.
Hypotenuse AI 图像生成器如何工作?
输入您想要的简单描述(例如 "巨大的西红柿掉落在斯坦福大学"),我们的人工智能就会为您生成相关图片。
我们的人工智能从全网数百万张图片和文字中学习,掌握了如何阅读和创建相关图片的方法。把它想象成 5 岁孩子的大脑。每当你点击 "生成 "按钮时,它不会从任何地方复制或提取图片,而是考虑它所知道的概念,每次都会从头开始创建新图片。
我可以将 AI 图像用于个人和商业用途吗?
What are some tips for using the AI image generator?
人工智能模型需要通过文本提示来确定生成哪种类型的图像。尽可能描述清楚。例如,不要只输入 "风景"。相反,可以尝试输入 "夕阳下有树木和湖泊的山景"。提供的细节越多越好。您还可以提及艺术风格、颜色、形状、情感等。
生成的图像可能需要进行一些编辑和润色。您可以使用照片编辑软件(如 Adobe Photoshop)来增强 AI 作品。调整光照和颜色、添加或删除元素、提高清晰度并进行其他修改,以创建您想要的最终效果。